Tầm quan trọng của giấc ngủ

chẳng quan trọng lắm,

phái nam hứng tình khi "đi" cạnh phái nữ là đã ko ngủ được rồi, nghiên cứu ở các cá thể ruồi... :D

-> males are all the same = đàn ông ai cũng giống nhau ;)

The need to sleep appears to be primarily driven by two systems: circadian (xuất hiện khoảng một lần một ngày) and homeostatic (cân bằng nội môi). The circadian system cycles over the course of a day, making you feel sleepy or more energetic at certain times.
The homeostatic system tracks past sleep and how much 'sleep pressure' has built up while awake. If you stay awake too long and experience sleep deprivation (thiếu ngủ), then you build up sleep pressure. The next sleep will be deeper and longer than usual, in a process called 'sleep rebound'.
Although these two systems explain a lot about when we sleep, many other factors can keep us awake, such as anxiety (lo âu, lo lắng), starvation (thiếu ăn, đói) and temperature.
However, it is difficult to determine exactly how these factors influence the parts of the brain associated with sleep. For example, being hungry affects the body, and signals associated with metabolism (trao đổi chất), as well as signals in the brain.
Now, in research published in the journal eLife, researchers from Imperial College London have identified a factor that affects sleep by only influencing the brain: sexual arousal.

Tags: sex

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