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kéo xe tải bằng... chim :D

...The sadhu - a holy man following the Hindu or Jainist tradition - was photographed performing a bizarre feat of strength as he pulled a truck around using only his penis.

Sadhus are wandering holy men who have rejected earthly comforts in search of spiritual enlightenment in the hopes of breaking the cycle of reincarnation (sự tái sinh trong một thể xác mới, đầu thai), a major tenet  (nguyên lý, giáo lý) of Hinduism.

As such they own no possession and opt for only modest clothes, or in some cases decided to live naked, relying on the kindness of strangers to provide for them wherever they go.

Often sadhus will perform feats of physical or mental strength as a display of their spirituality and mastery of yoga techniques, as the majority of them are also yogis...

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