Trung Quốc: Mạnh tay với nạn thương mại hóa tôn giáo

cấm các chùa tổ chức các sự kiện vì lợi nhuận, cấm các tượng phật, la hán... kém chất lượng dựng lên ở nơi công cộng, kiểm soát việc 'phóng sinh'...

New regulation aims to keep religion and commercial interests at arm’s length

The document prohibits temples from being commercially managed and from organizing for-profit activities in the name of religion. It also prohibits large, poor-quality religious statues from being erected in public spaces, and proposes that religious practices such as life release (phóng sinh) — the Buddhist tradition of freeing captive animals to accrue karma — be more strictly regulated, as it has raised animal rights concerns and carved out a niche for shady businesspeople.

...the commercialization of temples and other religious sites has become “a notable problem” in recent years. Blending commercial interests with religion “not only impacts the healthy inheritance and development of Buddhism and Taoism, but also degrades social conduct and causes corruption problems,”

Tags: china


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