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Iran cáo buộc Israel sử dụng thằn lằn để do thám chương trình hạt nhân của nước họ...

The former chief-of-staff of Iran’s armed forces said Tuesday that Western spies had used lizards to “attract atomic waves” and spy on his country’s nuclear program.

...In January 2016, Lebanese residents captured a griffon vulture (kền kền đen) wearing an Israeli tracking device, but released it upon realizing that the transmitter strapped to the bird was intended for scientific research rather than espionage.

Several months earlier, Hamas claimed to have caught a dolphin (cá heo) wearing Israeli spying equipment (thiết bị do thám).

Twice in recent years, Turkish media has highlighted allegations that birds tagged with Israeli university tracking devices were on espionage missions.

In 2012, an eagle (đại bàng) with an Israeli tag in Sudan was captured and alleged to be as a Mossad spy.

Two years earlier, an Egyptian official said Israel-controlled sharks (cá mập) may have been involved in a number of attacks on tourists in the Red Sea.

Bài trước: Bangkok sẽ chìm?
Tags: funny

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