Xe máy giải khuây

tụt quần xxx với xe máy ở phòng trưng bày

The footage shows the man in what appears to be a motorcycle showroom, sitting on top of a bike with his trousers down.

The sickening clip captures the man dropping his trousers several times, at one point rolling the vehicle towards the centre of the room.

Apparently hearing a noise in the adjoining room, he quickly stands up and dressed himself. But as soon as he realises he's alone again, he resumes his odd antics (trò hề, trò cười).

Unsurprisingly, viewers made plenty of jokes about the footage, with one writing: "Her name was Sue Zuki." Another added: "Didn't even stick around to cuddle (ôm ấp, âu yếm, vuốt ve)?"

Tags: sex


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