Có Chúa toàn năng, sao những điều tồi tệ vẫn xảy ra?

vì người ngoài hành tinh hack thế giới của chúng ta :)

...Astrophysicists (nhà vật lý thiên văn) Michael Hippke and John Learned argue in a recent paper that our telescopes (kính viễn vọng) might pick up hazardous (nguy hiểm, mạo hiểm) messages sent our way — a virus that shuts down our computers, for example, or something a bit like cosmic  (thuộc vũ trụ) blackmail (tống tiền): “Do this for us, or we’ll make your sun go supernova (siêu tân tinh) and destroy Earth.” Or perhaps the cosmic hackers could trick us into building self-replicating nanobots, and then arrange for them to be let loose to chew up our planet or its inhabitants.

Mind you, making a small star like the sun go supernova would be a mind-boggling trick — one that would impress astrophysicists (if any were left). As for the nanobots, I figure the aliens need only wait a century or two, and we’ll make the little devils ourselves, without any help.

Tags: science

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