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nghi phạm giấu ma túy trên mái phòng thẩm vấn ở đồn cảnh sát...

...Ninety minutes later, the video shows Hartman stacking a chair on the table, climbing on top and messing around with the ceiling tile. Officers catch him in the act and they wonder if he's trying to escape. One officer told Hartman that was a "stupid move." "You're at the frickin' police station, man and you put a chair up and tried to get in the ceiling," the officer said.

Turns out Hartman wasn't escaping, he was hiding something. The officer didn't see it when he searched the ceiling, and it's easy to miss. A white ball falls out when the officer lifts the ceiling tile. He found someone's else wallet up there. But did not see the cocaine in the ceiling fall to the floor. It wasn't until the technician straightened up the room when she discovered the drugs on the floor.

Prosecutors ended up charging Hartman with drug possession. A judge sentenced him to nine months probation.

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Tags: funny

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