Thuận tự nhiên

Lady walking around Jordaan, Amsterdam. Photo courtesy Matthew Kenwrick.

phụ nữ mông to thì khỏe mạnh hơn và... thông minh hơn :)

Butts are big right now. Women with curves are flaunting (khoe khoang, phô trương, trưng diện) their behinds (mông), and those without much backside are getting buttock (mông đít) implants (mô cấy). We celebrate the gorgeous (tuyệt đẹp, kỳ diệu) booties (chiến lợi phẩm) of celebrities like Nicki Minaj, Jennifer Lopez and Iggy Azalea. But it turns out that larger rear-ends don't just look good — they may actually be good for you.

A study (which analyzed data from 16, 000 women) conducted by the University of Oxford found that women with larger than average butts aren't only more intelligent but also extremely resistant to chronic (kinh niên) illnesses. The study's findings indicated that women with a larger posteriors (mông đít) tend to have lower levels of cholesterol and glucose, and higher levels of Omega 3 fats (which have been shown to catalyze brain development).

Having a big butt also favors leptin levels in the female body, which is a hormone responsible for regulating the weight and the dinopectina, a hormone with anti-inflammatory (chống viêm), heart-healthy, and anti-diabetic benefits. In addition, the adipose (béo, chứa mỡ) tissue of the butt traps harmful fatty particles and prevents cardiovascular disease.

Bài trước: Nỗi buồn nơi em
Tags: sex

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