Tôi mời

cho bạn biết luôn là mình thết đãi ngay khi gửi lời mời -> bạn ko phải "đau đầu" tiền nong

và bạn biết là được đãi nên sẽ gọi món nhỏ nào đó như tráng miệng hay cốc rượu để đãi lại

-> both enjoy
Dear Dan,

From time to time I treat a friend or my significant other to dinner, thanks to your advice that the psychological pain of spending $80 is less than the pain of each of us spending $40. My question is: When should I tell my friend it’s my treat? When I invite them? When the bill comes? What would maximize my guest’s enjoyment?


You are absolutely right about the pain of paying. If your goal is to maximize your dinner partner’s enjoyment, I would let them know it’s your treat as soon as you make the invitation. That way, your guest won’t even experience the anticipated pain of paying for anything. It’s true that your guest, knowing dinner is on you, might order another dessert or glass of wine, but that’s a small price to pay.

Bài trước: Chốt rồi nhé
Tags: beer

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