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trang trại do tập đoàn dược phẩm Gooddoctor Pharmaceutical Group ở Thành Đô, Tứ Xuyên, Trung Quốc nuôi... 6 tỷ con gián 1 năm

Long, narrowly spaced rows of shelves fill a multi-storey building about the size of two sports fields. The shelves are lined with open containers of food and water. It is warm, humid and dark all year round, with freedom to roam to find food and reproduce. Fully sealed like a prison, it has strict limitations on access to visitors. From birth to death, inhabitants never see the sun.

The world’s largest cockroach farm is breeding 6 billion adult cockroaches a year and using artificial intelligence to manage a colony larger than the world’s human population – all for medicinal use.

...The farm is operated by the Gooddoctor Pharmaceutical Group of Chengdu, Sichuan, which confirmed the validity of the government document but could not answer the Post’s queries because the matter involved trade secrets.

At the time of the government report, the farm had generated a total of 4.3 billion yuan (US$684 million) in revenue over the years by manufacturing a potion made entirely of cockroaches. When they reach the desired weight and size, the cockroaches are fed into machines and crushed to make the potion, which had “remarkable effects” on stomach pain (đau dạ dày) and other ailments (ốm đau), More than 40 million patients with respiratory (hô hấp), gastric (dạ dày) and other diseases were cured after taking the potion on doctors’ prescriptions (đơn thuốc), which stated that the farm was selling it to more than 4,000 hospitals across the country.

Tags: chinahealth


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