6 cách để đàn ông tăng tuổi thọ

- có vợ,
- có con,
- có trách nhiệm,
- có bụng,
- làm tình (thật) nhiều, và
- nhìn ngực phụ nữ mỗi ngày :D
tăng 5 phút... Photo courtesy San Sharma.

It may seem like an inconvenience or an invasion of privacy to many women, but staring at boobs creates a positive mindset in men.

The same effect occurs when they look at cute animals (thú cưng đáng yêu).

positive thinking had a powerful effect on health choices. More than half of the patients with coronary artery (động mạch vành) disease increased their physical activity versus 37 percent in the control group, who were not asked to write down positive thoughts (tư duy tích cực) in the morning (buổi sáng). The same happened to men with high blood pressure (huyết áp cao).

...What every man wants to hear, but there is a good reason for it.

A study in the BMJ found that sex could decrease a man’s mortality rate (tỷ lệ tử vong) by as much as 50 percent. It is all down to sex promoting physical well-being, as well as being a stress reliever (giảm căng thẳng/lo âu) — which can help reduce the likeliness of illness. Not to mention sex releases serotonin, the happy hormone, which makes us feel better overall.

In the study, life expectancy increased by three to eight years in the group who reported more orgasms (cực khoái, cực sướng).

Tags: health


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