Thuế tài sản: Tận thu và cào bằng?

cứ như Uganda, sẽ chỉ nhắm một số đối tượng thôi, thu thuế đối tượng nào "chém gió" quá nhiều trên facebook...

câu cuối mới hay này: Bộ tài chính và cục thuế bị phê bình là lười biếng vì chậm... nghĩ ra các nguồn thu thuế mới :D

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni wants social media users to suffer (chịu đựng) the consequences (hậu quả) of their gossip (ngồi lê đôi mách, chuyện tầm phào) — and to bolster (nâng đỡ) the national budget (ngân sách quốc gia) at the same time.

In early April 2018, Museveni directed the Ministry of Finance to introduce taxes on “over the top” communication platforms (OTTs) such as Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp.

In Museveni's view, social media users use these platforms for what he called ‘lugambo’ (meaning gossip in Lugwere). In a statement quoted by The Daily Monitor, Musveni explained his position:

I am not going to propose a tax on internet use for educational, research or reference purposes… these must remain free. However, lugambo on social media (opinions, prejudices, insults, friendly chats) and advertisements by Google and I do not know who else must pay tax because we need resources to cope with the consequences of their lugambo…

The president accused the Finance Ministry and Uganda Revenue Authority of not working hard enough to identify new sources of taxes, lamenting that the government currently lacks tax income (doanh thu thuế).

Tags: funny


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