World Cup 2018, cơ hội cuối cho Thế hệ vàng Argentina

liên đoàn bóng đá nước này đưa ra cẩm nang 'hành trình tới Nga', trong đó có hẳn một chương 'làm thế nào để tán gái Nga'... :D

Setting aside the obvious (hiển nhiên, rành rành) dubious (mơ hồ, thiếu minh bạch, không rõ ràng, đáng ngờ) morals (đạo đức) of the whole exercise, it turns out that the manual’s author, Eduardo Pennisi, believes Russian women have the same standards as pretty much everyone else on Earth. Apparently, they like people who are “clean” and smell “good”.

In another stunning (gây ngạc nhiên, làm choáng váng) revelation (khám phá, tiết lộ), Russian women like to be treated (đối xử) as human beings (con người). “Russian girls do not like to feel like objects (đồ vật)”. “Many men, because Russian women are beautiful, only want to take them to bed (đưa nàng lên giường). Maybe they want it too, but they are people who want to feel important (cảm thấy quan trọng) and unique (độc nhất vô nhị, chỉ có một, đặc biệt). The advice (lời khuyên) is to treat the women who is in front of you with their own ideas and wishes. Pay attention (chú ý) to their values (giá trị) and personality (nhân cách, nhân phẩm, cá tính, lịch thiệp). Don’t ask stupid questions about sex.”

Additionally, Pennisi advises Argentinian men to avoid printing out their bank statement (in sao kê tài khoản ngân hàng) on a first date (ngày hẹn hò đầu tiên). “Maybe you try to impress (gây ấn tượng) her by talking about the money you have, that you know everything, that you are perfect and the others are poor stupid people,” reads the manual. “In the end, if the girl has a little sense, she will bounce (nhún lên nhún xuống) you. Be real and talk about you in real terms, talk about your faults in a fun way and about your positive points.”...

Tags: sex


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