Cải tiến cách thu tiền nước

khách hàng "chầy cối" không trả 810 usd tiền nước, công ty dùng cần cẩu đặt khối bê tông 3 tấn, cao 1,5m với dòng chữ 'một con nợ sống ở đây' trước cửa biệt thự -> 'nôn' tiền ra luôn :)

Samara Utility Systems Ltd. had long been trying to get the unnamed resident of Zubchaninovka village, in Russia’s Samara region, to pay his 50,000 ruble ($810) debt for unpaid water bills.

...Employees of Samara Utility Systems unloaded the “debt pyramid” in front of the debtor’s house yesterday, under the surprised (ngạc nhiên) and confused (bối rối, ngượng) eyes of the man’s embarrassed (bối rối, ngượng ngùng, xấu hổ) family and their neighbors. The heavy reminder featured slogans like “A Debtor Lives Here” and “You Must Pay Your Water Bill” on all four sides which the company hoped would be embarrassing enough to convince the man to finally settle his debt.

A spokesperson of the utility company said that it would remove the debt pyramid as soon as the man paid his dues, adding that they were so pleased with the experiment that they plan to move the pyramid to another debtor’s house, of which there are many in Samara. The company has over 1.2 billion rubles to collect from its clients, and plans to use the pyramid and other non-standard methods to do so.

Bài trước: Khó tính thế
Tags: funny

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