Đóng góp từ thiện năm 2018 vẫn ươm mầm nảy lộc

đến tham gia các sự kiện quyên góp từ thiện thì sẽ đóng góp nhiều hơn là được mời qua điện thoại

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What makes people show up at charity events and donate? Do they just want to promote themselves as virtuous, or are they genuinely altruistic?


Many factors come into play at charity events. If you attend, you’re signaling that you’re part of a group and committed to its cause. But the social signaling doesn’t stop there. Numerous studies have shown that the more public people’s charitable behavior is, the more they donate. In a 1984 study published in the Journal of Consumer Research, Joel Brockner and his colleagues showed that people were more willing to donate to a charity when they were solicited in person compared with a phone call. So altruism no doubt motivates many donors—but social factors can boost their giving.

Bài trước: Siêu phẩm Galaxy S9+
Tags: economics

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