Chắc tại thiếu cà phê

[nên không "phê cà"]

nghiên cứu cho thấy, cứ 10 đàn ông thì có 4 người thấy 'buồn tê tái' sau khi giao hợp...

Having sex may feel like a badge of honor (huân chương danh dự) for many men, but for others, it’s an act that, once finished, brings about intense (rất mạnh, mãnh liệt) feelings (cảm xúc) of sadness (buồn bã). In a new study, researchers for the first time ever have identified that women aren’t the only ones who can suffer from this emotional tidal wave (cơn sóng cảm xúc) in the bedroom (phòng ngủ), better known as postcoital (sau khi giao hợp) dysphoria (tình trạng cảm thấy khó chịu, không sung sướng; lo lắng, bất an), or PCD.

PCD occurs when a person has, for all intents and purposes, enjoyable consensual (liên ứng) sex with a partner, but is met with “inexplicable (không lý giải nổi) feelings of tearfulness (buồn phát khóc, đẫm lệ), sadness, or irritability” afterwards.

...after a survey of 1,208 men from numerous countries — including the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Russia — it’s clear that the condition is more common among males than one might expect. In fact, four in 10 participants recalled suffering from PCD symptoms at some point in their lives.

Tags: sex

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