Phương pháp mới giúp phụ nữ vô sinh có con

trứng nhân tạo từ tế bào da trong phòng thí nghiệm

Japanese scientists just took a new step toward a “game changing” (thay đổi cuộc chơi) way to make babies from skin cells.

The Japanese team reports in the journal Science that they’re closer than ever (gần tới đích/đạt mục tiêu hơn bao giờ hết). The team, led by Mitinori Saitou and colleagues from Kyoto University, turned skin collected from female volunteers into primitive (nguyên thủy, ban sơ) precursors (tiền thân, điềm báo trước) of egg cells. They still don’t have eggs. But they’re closer. It’s just “a matter of time”.

In theory, lab-made reproductive cells could put an end to infertility (vô sinh) for people including cancer (ung thư) patients (bệnh nhân) and women in their 40s and 50s.

Tags: japan

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