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Photo credit: thehealthyarchive.

chắc do ít/không thủ dâm thường xuyên :))

Masturbation (thủ dâm) is good for you, according to science (khoa học đã chứng minh).

Australian scientists (nhà khoa học) Anthony Santella and Spring Chenoa Cooper claim that masturbation, or self-pleasuring (tự sướng) by touching (sờ, chạm) one's own genitals (bộ phận sinh dục), helps keep people healthy by warding off diseases like cystitis (viêm bọng đái), diabetes (tiểu đường) and prostate cancer (ung thư tuyết tiền liệt).

A recent U.S. survey revealed that 94 percent of men and 85 percent of women admit to masturbating. In fact, the practice is so natural (tự nhiên) and normal (bình thường) even babies (trẻ em) do it from the time they are in the womb (tử cung, trong bụng mẹ).

masturbation can even "lower risk of type-2 diabetes (though this association may also be explained by greater overall health), reduce insomnia (chứng mất ngủ) through hormonal and tension release, and increase pelvic (khung xương chậu) floor strength through the contractions that happen during orgasm (cực khoái)."

Self-pleasuring also help prevent (ngăn ngừa) depression (trầm cảm) and boost immune function (chức năng miễn dịch) by increasing levels of endorphins and the hormone cortisol.

Tags: healthsex


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