"Keep one’s head" nghĩa là gì?

Sawdust explosion. Photo courtesy britta heise.

'Keep one’s head' là giữ bình tĩnh, nhất là trong những trường hợp khó khăn, nguy hiểm. Người Mỹ cũng nói 'keep a cool head' với nghĩa tương tự.

Ví dụ
"My dad was a pretty tough guy (khá mạnh mẽ). I remember when I was a kid; he was cutting down some trees in the yard. The chain-saw (cưa máy) slipped and badly cut (cắt sâu) his leg. I started screaming (la hét) at the sight of all the blood. But my dad kept his head. By staying calm, he managed to save his life."

Once I had to speak in front of a large audience (cử tọa đông đảo) at a conference. For a while I avoided practicing my speech because I felt overwhelmed (hết sức bối rối). But a colleague helped me rehearse (tập đọc) and showed me some techniques to relax (thư giãn). He's a good help because he always keeps his head. And, thanks to him, I learned how to feel more in control.

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