"Confirmed bachelor" nghĩa là gì?

Photo courtesy Antonio Zugaldia.

'Confirmed bachelor' có từ bachelor là người độc thân, và confirmed là đã xác nhận, chứng thực, vì thế 'confirmed bachelor' là anh chàng độc thân mãi mãi, người không hề có ý muốn lấy vợ. Đây cũng là cụm từ có từ thời Victoria, là uyển ngữ lịch sự để chỉ những anh chàng đồng tính (gay, 'clover boy', 'boys in the band', 'women in sensible shoes', 'women who don't have to put up with men')

Ví dụ
You may be desperate to marry, but don't go after Dale; he's a confirmed bachelor.

Though Lewis is a confirmed bachelor and Gresham is a wife and mother, their long-distance friendship blossoms into something deeper.

The confirmed bachelor is ... quite as often the victim of a too profound appreciation of the infinite charmingness of woman, as made solitary for life by the legitimate empire of a cold and tasteless temperament.

Stanley Ford, a successful cartoonist and a confirmed bachelor who shares a lavish apartment with his misogynistic manservant. While attending a friend's bachelor party, Stanley falls head over heels in love with the gorgeous bikini-clad girl who pops out of a cake. He impulsively marries her, but thinks better of it the next day. Alas, Stanley can't get a divorce because his bride is an Italian Catholic (this is 1966). Dicier still, she is a "domestic goddess," lovingly plying her hubby with rich Italian food until Stanley's once-athletic physique is as bloated as the dirigible Hindenberg.

Dr. Charles A. Waehler, a psychologist at the University of Akron in Ohio, who studies the hearts and minds of confirmed bachelors over the age of 40 has advice for women who want to marry one: Forget it. "If you get involved with a never-married middle-aged man, don't expect him to change". "If you both value independence, it might be okay". "But if you want marriage, stay away."

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