"Make old bones" nghĩa là gì?

Sir Humphrey and Elizabeth. Photo courtesy Liz Jones.

'To make old bones' (làm cho xương già) nghĩa là sống dai, sống lâu (to live to an old age) hoặc để một thời gian dài / lưu trữ tốt (đối với đồ vật)

Ví dụ
But eight years ago he had a second, successful transplant (cấy ghép), ending his reliance (phụ thuộc) on hospital treatment (điều trị bệnh viện). Dr Jones said: “Since he had the transplant it allowed him to get away from the dialysis (thẩm tách máu) and they were able to go away on holidays again. “He lived dangerously and always said he always said he didn’t want to make old bones.”

Shuffling (lê bước) up the Ryanair plane steps I felt like a 90-year-old man; I could hardly put one foot in front of the other but didn't want a wheelchair (xe lăn). I was worried they might not let me on if they knew how ill I was. My GP immediately referred me to a heart consultant who said: 'You won't make old bones.' He'd seen a video the Spanish surgeons (bác sĩ phẫu thuật) had filmed of my stent (thiết bị giữ trong cơ thể dùng để giữ cho bộ phận đó mở ra, không bị nghẽn bởi bệnh tật) procedure: one artery (động mạch) was completely blocked and the heart attack had killed nearly half my heart muscle (cơ), leaving me with severe heart failure.

Ms Townsend had just celebrated her 68th birthday on April 8. The celebrated (trứ danh) writer suffered a stroke (cơn đột quỵ) at Christmas, which she said affected her memory and made it “difficult to get the tongue around words”. In her later years, she had to use a wheelchair and was registered blind as a result of diabetic neuropathy (rối loạn hệ thần kinh). In 2009 she underwent a kidney transplant. Ms Townsend said then that she “would not go on to make old bones”.

It is a nice fruity wine, but it doesn't make old bones.

Phạm Hạnh

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