Relationships are easy

shared via Simple Marriage.
Photo courtesy latteda.

You teach people how to treat you.

i.e If your spouse is treating you badly, you play a role in it if it continually happens. If you’ve been tolerating unavailability, or inconsiderate, hurtful, or even abusive behavior from your spouse, you’re partly to blame. You’re either not leading, not setting boundaries, or you haven’t been willing to get to rejection. These are three essentials for a respectful, reciprocal, nurturing, and grown up relationship.
If you accept bad behavior from your spouse (and friends and family), you are likely to get bad behavior from them. If you want a great relationship, you must stop “tolerating” anything less than loving, respectful behavior. Raise the bar, act accordingly yourself (i.e. be what you want to attract), and invite your spouse to follow you there. If you want your marriage to keep getting better over time and lighten your load rather than add to your burden, you must take responsibility for both how you behave and for what behaviors you accept from your spouse.
At the end of the day, live according to this statement: You teach people how to treat you.

Tags: marriage


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