"Gather oneself" nghĩa là gì?

Liệu Bush có lấy được bình tĩnh trước làn sóng biểu tình? Photo courtesy Eric Skiff.

'Gather oneself' nghĩa là lấy lại bình tĩnh (regain his composure).

Ví dụ
The next time you’re afraid you might toss your cookies on your cab driver, just gather yourself and lean forward.

I’ll give you a moment to gather yourself before encouraging you to speak out on behalf of the movement: April 8 should forever be known as Lost day! Star Wars has May 4, let us have our day, dammit.

After the press conference, Maliki and I went to a dinner upstairs with our delegations. He was still shaken (bàng hoàng) and apologized profusely (không ngớt lời xin lỗi). I took him aside privately with Gamal Helal, our Arabic interpreter, and told him to stop worrying. The prime minister gathered himself and asked to speak before the dinner. He gave an emotional toast about how the shoe thrower did not represent his people, and how grateful his nation was to America.

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