"Horse trading" nghĩa là gì?

President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki of Iraq, shake hands after their meeting Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2007, at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. Photo credit: Eric Draper.

'Horse trading' (buôn ngựa) nghĩa là mặc cả, thương lượng một cách cứng rắn và sắc sảo, thường là trong chính trị (hard and shrewd bargaining, typically in politics).

Ví dụ
But the budget is where a lot of the horse-trading is done. Without a budget deal, there's no money to grease the wheels (bôi trơn bánh xe) of the lawmaking process.

In one month, Britain votes in a general election likely to put the nail in the coffin (đóng đinh lên chiếc quan tài) of two party politics and herald an uncertain future of coalitions, alliances and horse-trading.

The CIA doubted that Maliki would sign the agreement. I asked the prime minister about it directly. He assured me he wanted the SOFA. He had kept his word in the past, and I believed he would again. Maliki proved a tough negotiator. He would obtain a concession (nhượng bộ) from our side and then come back asking for more. On one level, the endless horse trading was frustrating. But on another level, I was inspired to see the Iraqis conducting themselves like representatives of a sovereign democracy.

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