"Lash out" nghĩa là gì?

President Bush honors fallen soldiers at Arlington. Photo credit: toledoblade.

'Lash out at someone' có từ lash là mắng nhiếc, xỉ vả; và vì thế có nghĩa là chửi mắng như tát nước vào mặt ai (make a sudden blow or fierce verbal attack).

Ví dụ
Venezuelan, Cuban youth ready to lash out at their governments during youth summit in Panama.

Activists lash out at German authorities for covering up racist 'NSU' killings.

Over the course of my presidency I met roughly 550 families of the fallen. The meetings were both the most painful and most uplifting (nâng cao tâm hồn, trình độ...) part of serving as commander in chief. The vast majority of those I met were like the Rowes: devastated by their loss, but proud of their family member’s service. A few families lashed out. When I visited Fort Lewis in Washington State in June 2004, I met a mother who had lost her son in Iraq. She was visibly upset. I tried to put her at ease. “You are as big a terrorist as Osama bin Laden,” she said.

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