"HENRYs" nghĩa là gì?

HENRY = high earner, not rich yet, có nghĩa là người có thu nhập cao, nhưng chưa giàu.

Ví dụ
Meet the HENRYs, High-Earners-Not-Rich-Yet consumers with household incomes between $100k and $250k. HENRYs are the new face of the mass-market customer, since the traditional middle-class ($50k-$99.9k) have lost so much discretionary (tùy nghi sử dụng, linh hoạt) spending power in the recent recession (suy thoái).

There are only two things I like about April 15: occasional (dịp đặc biệt) cherry blossoms and the fact that on April 16 I always write a contract (ký hợp đồng) with a certain type of buyer who, having just become a HENRY (high earner, not rich yet), has gotten terrible news from his or her accountant. Seems Uncle Sam wants a larger piece of their larger income, which first sparks the idea of shelter as tax-shelter (mánh lới trốn thuế).

SoFi has carved out (tạo ra) a niche (thị trường ngách) pitching credit to what the industry calls HENRYs: High Earners, Not Rich Yet. It built a franchise refinancing student loans for asset-poor but high-potential graduates of top universities, whom it sees as good credit risks. Those loans run to around $75,000, against the $10,000-$15,000 more typical on other platforms.

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