"Go awry" nghĩa là gì?

Kế hoạch 5 năm: nhặt nhạnh và xếp gọn hết đá trên bãi biển*. Photo courtesy See-ming Lee.

'Go awry' nghĩa là hỏng, thất bại (away from the correct course; amiss).

Ví dụ
How China's best-laid plans could go awry.

Tour plans of Chennai tourists go awry after Paris attacks.

US plans to capture the Islamic State's capital go awry.

Cooperating to shape strategic affairs globally, the European members of the Atlantic Alliance in many cases have described their policies as those of neutral administrators of rules and distributors of aid. But they have often been uncertain about what to do when this model was rejected or its implementation went awry.

Phạm Hạnh

* Every time I go to Wu Kai Sha, I see an old man with long flowing silver beard picking stones at the beach.

After some research, it turns out that he has been manually organising the stones on the beach for years voluntarily after noting that quite a number of people swim at the public beach which is not looked after by government officials.

And so day and night, he comes to the beach to sort the stones out into neatly organised piles so that other people can enjoy the beach.

What an incredible story — I was planning to shoot some documentary here perhaps but the locals told me that his story is quite well known and has been covered by televisions in Hong Kong already — though I have no idea where.
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