"A man of no scruples" nghĩa là gì?

Theda Bara in the title role of the film "Cleopatra" (1917). Photo courtesy Orange County Archives.

'A man of no scruples' có từ scruple là sự đắn đo, lưỡng lự, cân nhắc, tính quá thận trọng (về tính đạo đức hoặc sự đúng đắn của hành động); vì thế cụm từ này nghĩa là người bừa bãi, người bất chấp luân thường đạo lý.

Ví dụ
Russell, in his day, was exposed in court as a man of no scruples, of Lying under oath, and deficient in moral character.

Some scholars suspect Defoe met and interviewed Selkirk, and when a Selkirk descendant recently sold his birthplace to settle inheritance taxes, she lambasted (quở mắng, xỉ vả) Defoe as "a man of no scruples" who had stolen and distorted (bóp méo, xuyên tạc) her ancestor's story.

Indeed, Theda Bara became an almost instant star with that film, achieving international fame in a matter of months. Over the next four years, Fox had her make 37 movies. In most she played the heartless vamp (người đàn bà mồi chài đàn ông) corrupting decent men, but in some the tables were turned, and she was the chaste (trong trắng, tiết hạnh) innocent (ngây thơ) who was brought to ruin by a man of no scruples.

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