"Turn on a dime" nghĩa là gì?

Del Zotto Turns on a Dime. Photo courtesy Rich Lee.

'Turn on a dime' thường được nói về xe cộ, phương tiện có khả năng xoay xở trong khu vực chật hẹp, khoảng cách ngắn (used to refer to a maneuver that can be performed by a moving vehicle or person within a small area or short distance), quẹo xe ở chỗ hẹp; và vì thế cũng có nghĩa khác là chuyển hướng rất nhanh (nền kinh tế, cuộc sống...).

Ví dụ
A car that will turn on a dime at high speed without turning turtle is what I want.

Whole economies do not turn on a dime when the issue at stake is as fundamental as energy consumption.

Calista Flockhart said "I think it just makes you realize, once again, that life can turn on a dime. We just have to appreciate every second we're here, because you never know."

When she played the bare-bones “Burning House” on-air, though, the single immediately shot up the iTunes chart, forcing even a major player like Sony to turn on a dime and throw their weight behind the ballad instead.

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