"Tight knit" nghĩa là gì?

Quan hệ rất chặt chẽ. Photo courtesy Rodrigo Della Fávera.

'Tight knit' nghĩa là liên hệt mật thiết, liên hệ chặt chẽ; tổ chức/sắp xếp tốt, chặt chẽ ((of a group of people) united or bound together by strong relationships and common interests).

Ví dụ
Derby life attracts tight-knit group.

“It’s going to be a beautiful, tight-knit community with smaller roads but a beautiful park in the middle for people to congregate together,” said Rosensweig.

In countries where most people do not have passports Dahabshiil relies on tight-knit clan networks and references to prove identities; it then records biometric information and thumb prints for future checks.

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