Nổi tiếng nhờ bán bánh

ở Đài Loan, bánh hình penis :), click xem hình.
The Malaysian market trader was hoping to ride on the wave of popularity in Taiwan for the tasty todger (tiếng lóng chỉ dương vật) shaped snacks.

People there have been noshing (ăn quà vặt) them like there is no tomorrow (như không có ngày mai, sốt sắng, háo hức).

But instead of going down a treat (thành công, mọi người thích thú), the generously sized saucy morsels (miếng, mẩu) have been a massive flop (thất bại).

This is because community big wigs (tai to mặt lớn) got the willies (cái chim, từ trẻ con hay dùng) about the morality (đạo đức) of them.

They argued the saucy manhood munchies clashed with the market's "family-friendly" vibe.

Outraged, they took their complaint to the local council whose officials ruled in their favour, concluding that only souvenirs and "small snacks" could be sold.

Tags: sex

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