"Greasy spoon" nghĩa là gì?

Just near Wall Street - greasy spoon, NY style. Photo courtesy Matt Murphy.

'Greasy spoon' (thìa nhầy mỡ) nghĩa là khách sạn rẻ tiền, nơi đồ ăn không được sạch lắm (a cheap diner, where the silverware might not be too clean).

Ví dụ
Trump visited a greasy spoon restaurant in northeast Ohio earlier this week, one of the only times he has performed that rather traditional type of campaigning, and, on the same day, visited a county fair for long enough for news cameras to take pictures of him shaking a few hands.

Hong Kong is a city of extremes - you can get Michelin-starred dumplings for a few dollars; an excellent Western-style flat white coffee; traditional Cantonese wonton soup; congee in a local greasy spoon; or one of the best wine experiences the international stage has to offer - all in the same day if you were game.

Builders' tea is losing popularity to trendy green, herbal and fruit flavoured varieties. Of course, you can still get a traditional milk and two sugars in the local greasy spoon, but a new breed of café owners have cropped up, selling fine single estate loose-leaf teas served in authentic teaware, carefully paired with dumplings, open sandwiches and cakes, according to their flavour profile.

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