"Dry nurse" nghĩa là gì?

Mothers from conflict-affected Eastern Ukraine on Training on Breastfeeding. Photo courtesy UNICEF Ukraine.

'Dry nurse' nghĩa là làm bảo mẫu, nuôi bằng cách cho bú bình (a woman who looks after a baby but does not breastfeed it); nuôi bộ.

Ví dụ
Since everyone is now on board with the idea, Elizabeth has dry nursed her granddaughter on a few other occasions when she’s babysat.

The alternative was a ‘dry nurse’ equipped with a cow horn and affixed teat, from which the baby could take milk or soft wet cereals, but records show the outcome for wet-nursed babies to be dramatically better.

This mom is still proud of their breastfeeding relationship, and that they continued to "dry nurse" safely, even when it's not about ounces anymore. And her son, who had been readmitted to the hospital for dropping 11 percent of birth weight in those first weeks, is faring much better these days.

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