Niềng răng hô bao nhiêu tiền và sử dụng BHYT được không?

mang thẻ đến phòng khám để gọi điện đến công ty bảo hiểm mới biết được :),

anyway, đừng quyết định trong thời gian ngắn rồi lại hối tiếc "dự đoán trước" - anticipated regret (chắc chắn sẽ hối tiếc...)

gặp những offer từ dân sales như vậy, nên tách mình khỏi khung cảnh, không bị bó buộc về thời gian, tự hỏi... nếu... thì ta có thật sự cần không, nếu câu trả lời là không, thì nếu quyết định buy vào lúc đó sẽ bị anticipated regret :)
Dear Dan,

Some time ago, my dentist urged me to get clear aligners, a plastic form of dental braces. He said that my insurance would cover most of it, but I didn’t really want the braces, so I held off.

Then I quit my job and went to see the dentist one more time for my regular hygiene appointment—my last visit with the old insurance. Again he encouraged me to get the clear-aligner treatment, because it wouldn’t cost me that much. For some reason, that convinced me, and now after three days of wearing a clear aligner, I am miserable and regret the decision. What drove me to it?


Your story illustrates the power of anticipated regret. We get this feeling when we have only a moment to take a certain action—and can’t stop imagining how we’ll feel if we don’t do it.

I had my own run-in with anticipated regret when my wife, Sumi, and I went to buy a large-screen TV, and the salesperson said, “How would you feel if some of the pixels broke and you hadn’t bought the extended warranty?” We felt the anticipated regret and, of course, got the expensive warranty.

One defense is to imagine scenarios that are not time-sensitive. You could say to yourself, “What if my new job also offered insurance coverage for clear aligners? Would I go ahead and get them?” If the answer is no, it should tell you that anticipated regret, not a desire for the treatment, is driving you.

Tags: skill

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