"Middle-age spread" nghĩa là gì?

cách giảm mỡ bụng sau sinh tại nhà chị em nên biết :) Photo courtesy Hamza Butt.

'Middle-age spread' có từ spread là sự sổ ra, phình ra (của cơ thể) -> từ này có nghĩa là sự sổ người ra khi đến tuổi trung niên (the fat that may accumulate around the areas of the abdomen and buttocks during one's middle age)

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Ví dụ
Moderate training can help keep middle age spread in check.

Middle-age spread raises risk of dementia (chứng mất trí), study suggests.

Aging and weight gain go hand in hand, regardless of gender or menopausal (mãn kinh) status. A slower calorie burn because of a decrease in muscle mass, and an increased tendency for calories consumed to get stored as fat contribute to that middle-age spread.

Just wanting to change isn’t enough. It also takes planning and action. Begin by identifying habits that require altering or adjusting, then start setting goals, monitoring behaviours, acknowledging setbacks, making adjustments and celebrating successes. The goal isn’t to lose that middle-age spread in six weeks, but rather to be trimmer, happier and healthier during your middle years and beyond.

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