Nghiện game nặng có thể dẫn tới hành vi giết người?

đúng rồi, mải chơi game nhiều quá, nên ít có nhu cầu tình dục -> bị bạn gái (nay là cũ) chém bằng kiếm samurai vì nghi ngoại tình, vãi chưởng :D

He credits his survival to "Wing Chun."

Alex Lovell said his extensive video game playing made him lose his sex drive, leading his girlfriend to suspect him of infidelity (không chung thủy, bội tín, không tin đạo Công giáo) — and then allegedly attack him with a sword as he slept.

"It killed my sex drive. I was training too hard, it exhausted me. I felt bad because she needed the affection (yêu mến, cảm tình). I just couldn't keep up," Alex Lovell, 29, said of his video game training regimen leading up to the attack.

"She thought I was having sex with other people," Lovell said.

Lovell was found by police curled up in the bedroom in Camas, bleeding with multiple lacerations (vết rách) and life-threatening injuries in the middle of the night on March 3...

Tags: marriage

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