Làm sao để giới thiệu người yêu với cha mẹ?

không nên đột ngột, bố mẹ có thể vui mừng trong giờ đầu tiên gặp mặt rồi mất mấy tuần để hết sốc,

nên có lời báo sớm, bố mẹ có thời gian chuẩn bị và thích thú mong chờ ngày gặp mặt...
Dear Dan,

I live abroad. My girlfriend has never been to my hometown, and my parents are always asking me to bring her when I go to visit them. In October I plan to do that, though my family doesn’t know. What would make them happier: to surprise them when she shows up with me or to tell them in advance and let them enjoy the anticipation?


Surprise and anticipation can each lead to happiness. In your case, surprising your parents might make the first hour of your visit more exciting for them—but after that, it might take a few weeks for them to get over the shock. In this case, I would advise you to give them plenty of time to look forward to your joint visit.

Tags: marriage

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