Cứ để anh lo

máy bay trực thăng bị tai nạn rơi, cô dâu may mắn thoát nạn, đám cưới vẫn diễn ra bình thường, mặc chiếc máy bay cháy gần đó...

The woman's arrival at the wedding venue, a vineyard in Brazil, went horribly wrong when the four people on board had to flee the burning wreckage.

But incredibly (khó tin nổi, đáng kinh ngạc) she escaped (thoát được, tránh được) unharmed (không bị tổn hại, bình yên vô sự) and went ahead with the ceremony (nghi lễ, (sự) khách sáo, kiểu cách), while the pilot and the other two passengers got away with minor injuries.

The wedding vows went ahead with the remains of the helicopter still on the ground nearby,

...The venue said the bride and groom had decided to go ahead with their nuptials (hôn nhân, lễ cưới) despite the accident (tai nạn).

Firefighters were summoned (mời đến, triệu đến, tập trung) after the helicopter plummeted (lao thẳng xuống, rơi thẳng xuống) to the ground at the wedding venue north of Sao Paulo.

Tags: marriage

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