Văn hóa tip trong nhà hàng

màn hình thanh toán hiện 'không tip', hoặc 15%, 18%, 20% -> cảm thấy bị ép buộc phải chọn tối thiểu 15%, vậy đã là cao hơn bình thường rồi
Hi Dan.

At a “fast casual” restaurant without table service, the payment screen offered me a “No Tip” option or tips of 15%, 18% and 20%. I felt these were too high, since I had stood in line and was carrying my own food. I gave the minimum 15%—still a lot more than I have ever tipped in a fast-food place. I felt manipulated by the screen and wonder if this system prods people to tip more.


Yes, such screens boost tips through a design principle called “active choice.” Many fast-food restaurants simply have an easily ignorable (có thể phớt lờ đi) tip jar. But with the screen, neglecting to tip feels much worse, like a rejection (từ chối) of the staff (bồi bàn). On the other hand, please remember that the people working at fast-food places work just as many hours as standard servers, for less money. Many may not be making a living wage (tiền lương vừa đủ sống). Helping them out a bit is a good thing to do.

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