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"Người ăn bún chả với ông Obama" tại Hà Nội - Anthony Bourdain tự sát ở tuổi 61...

Anthony Bourdain, whose darkly (buồn rầu, ủ ê; mờ mịt, mơ hồ) funny memoir (hồi ký) about life in New York City restaurant kitchens made him a celebrity chef and touched off (gây ra, phát động; làm nổ, gây nổ) his second career as a journalist, food expert and social activist, was found dead on Friday in his hotel room in France. He was 61.

His death was being treated as a suicide (tự tử). Christian de Rocquigny du Fayel, the prosecutor (người khởi tố tại tòa án, bên nguyên) for the city of Colmar, in the Alsace region near where Mr. Bourdain was found, said the death was by hanging (treo cổ). “At this stage, we have no reason to suspect foul play (lối chơi trái luật/gian lận; hành động gian trá/phản phúc),” he said.

Mr. Bourdain’s lasting work was not in American kitchens; it was on television, where he ate noodles in Hanoi with President Barack Obama, sucked on soft-boiled turtle eggs (trứng rùa) at a market stall in Colombia, and stopped to appreciate handmade spring rolls (nem) in Cambodia en route to interview a member of the opposition government.

In his 2000 memoir, “Kitchen Confidential,” Mr. Bourdain introduced a thrillingly profane (xúc phạm, ô uế, tục tĩu), aggressively truthful voice that translated effortlessly to the screen, where he proved that he would eat anything, go anywhere and say anything on camera...

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