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A real hothead (người nóng nảy, nóng vội, bộp chộp) has been jailed (tống giam, bỏ tù) for setting his wife’s SUV on fire after she told him he was driving too fast.

Joshua Miller and his wife Sarah had gotten into an argument on the way to their home in Barry, Wales, on March 10 when she asked him to let her out on the side of a road, where she was left without a phone or money. Miller was later spotted in the parked vehicle revving (làm cho máy chạy nhanh hơn, rồ máy, tăng tốc độ vòng quay) the engine (động cơ) before a loud bang was heard, according to court testimony (lời khai tại tòa án), Wales Online reports.

...The Nissan Qasqhai, which is sold in the U.S. as the Nissan Rogue Sport, then caught fire and burned until it was totaled (vỡ tan tành). Emergency services (dịch vụ cứu hộ khẩn cấp) responding to the fire discovered a fuel canister (hộp nhiên liệu) near the scene.

Miller pleaded guilty to arson (cố ý gây hỏa hoạn, đốt phá (nhà cửa...)) and driving without a full license or insurance and was given an eight-month jail sentence, along with a driving ban for 10 months and a day.

Tags: marriage

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