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mực ống thụ tinh ở lưỡi 1 phụ nữ khi cô này ăn sống

The 63-year-old needed immediate medical attention after sperm from the raw squid inseminated (thụ tinh) her mouth, a bizarre (kỳ quái, kỳ dị) medical report (bệnh án) says

When doctors examined the woman, they discovered "12 small, white spindle-shaped, bug-like" sperm (tinh trùng, tinh dịch) bags embedded in her tongue and gums.

The foreign bodies were identified as squid spermatophores - sperm-containing capsules - belonging to a Japanese flying squid, or Todarodes pacificus.

The woman had reportedly failed to remove the squid's internal organs, and compounded the problem by parboiling (đun sôi nửa chừng, nấu chín tới, luộc sơ) the creature for a few seconds before eating it.

That means the spermatophores remained alive and well. It is thought they were looking for a soft place to embed when they settled in her tongue and gums...

Bài trước: Bầu trời sụp đổ
Tags: health

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