"Blood and iron" nghĩa là gì?

Photo courtesy yeowatzup.

'Blood and iron' nghĩa là chính sách vũ lực tàn bạo.

Ví dụ
Bloodshed was necessitated on the belief that, “to make the individual sacred we must destroy the social order which crucifies him. And this problem can only by solved by blood and iron.”

The current non-initiation of combat operations (NICO), to give the ceasefire (ngừng bắn, hưu chiến) a more precise name, comes in a confused and chaotic circumstance, in the middle of the government’s blood and iron strategy to finish off militancy (tính chiến đấu) for good in the state.

I clearly envisioned the manifesto (bản tuyên ngôn) as a kind of rolling tsunami (cơn sóng thần), made up in equal parts of blood-and-iron industrialised steampunk, apocalyptic John Martin and mounting fury that builds up to a climax at the end of Section One: Bourgeois (giai cấp tư sản) and Proletarians (giai cấp vô sản), before breaking on the beach of History and turning into straightforward standup comedy.

Evans had to deal with the aftermath of Balibo. He was friendly with the Indonesian foreign minister Ali Alatas, and he tried to move as skilfully as he could in the midst of blood and iron and murder (giết người). He has always been consciously pro-Asian, but refused to admit anything but universal human values when it came to human rights and says Chris Patten, the last governor of Hong Kong, is his soulmate.

Phạm Hạnh

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