"Blood lust" nghĩa là gì?

Photo courtesy Peter Kudlacz.

'Blood lust' nghĩa là sự si mê chém giết (uncontrollable desire to kill or maim others).

Ví dụ

Don’t let his white beard and diminutive (nhỏ xíu, bé xíu) frame fool you, John Walsh is a stone cold murderer (sát nhân máu lạnh) with an insatiable (không thể thỏa mãn được) blood lust.

He killed his wife with an axe (rìu), bludgeoned (đánh bằng dùi cui) one grandchild with a hammer (búa) and drowned another. Ten years on John Walsh’s blood lust is as strong as ever.

Just when the blood lust seems about sated, along comes news like Monday’s bombshell that the United States and Mexico are about to kiss and make up with a trade deal to replace NAFTA.

As a teenager, William was deluged (tràn ngập) with complaints from anti-fieldsports campaigners after he brought down his first stag (hươu đực, nai đực) with a single shot, prompting the late Labour MP Tony Banks to brand it ‘disgusting’ that a 14-year-old boy was indulging in ‘blood lust’.

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