"Fresh off" nghĩa là gì?

Jenna gần đến tuổi về hưu thì Quỹ An sinh Xã hội Mỹ sẽ phá sản. Photo courtesy timothyhorrigan.

'Fresh off' có từ fresh là tươi, mới -> cụm từ này nghĩa là vừa mới xảy ra (sau sự kiện/việc gì đó), mới đây (very recently).

Ví dụ
Fresh off his graduation, Sam started assisting his father in their business.

Fresh off IPO, Franklin Synergy CEO says bank is poised to double in size.

Fresh off Air Force One, Obama greeted with dirty St. Lucie River water.

Starting in 2018, Social Security was projected to take in less money than it paid out. The shortfall would increase every year, until the system hit bankruptcy in 2042. The year 2042 sounded a long way off, until I did the math (làm phép tính). That was when my daughters, born in 1981, would be approaching retirement. For someone looking to take on big issues, it didn’t get much bigger than reforming Social Security. I decided there was no better time to launch the effort than when I was fresh off reelection.

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