"Lay low" nghĩa là gì?

Afghanistan - Mồ chôn các đế chế. Photo courtesy DVIDSHUB.

'Lay low' nghĩa là hạ gục, hạ đo ván (to cause to fall by a blow, to knock down, make prostrate; to overcome, defeat or destroy). -> be laid low = bị đánh gục, bị đánh chết, bị ốm liệt giường. Ngoài ra, lay low còn có nghĩa không thu hút sự chú ý, 'án binh bất động' (keep out of sight; avoid detection or attention).

Ví dụ
Your hurricane hands had to be trained to lay low an army of fiends.

That a small group of Arab confederates could inspire a movement that would lay low the great empires that had dominated the region for centuries would have seemed inconceivable a few decades earlier.

They started shooting as panicked (hoảng loạn) concertgoers (người đi xem hòa nhạc) scrambled (tranh cướp, tranh giành) for the exits or lay low to escape bursts of gunfire.

David Vitter, the husband and father of four cited forgiveness from God and wife, managed to dodge criminal charges, then cleverly lay low for a few months.

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