"Money purchase pension" nghĩa là gì?

Đi nhận lương hưu. Photo courtesy Garry Knight.

'Money purchase pension' nghĩa là chế độ trợ cấp được mua từ tiền tiết kiệm hưu trí tích lũy.

Ví dụ
Money purchase pensions are also set to now be allowed to make a payment as a trivial commutation lump sum.

Defined benefit pensions provide a specific retirement benefit at a normal retirement date. There is no fund allocated or investment risk for the member. In contrast, money purchase pension funds are investments with associated risks and are utilised to generate retirement benefits.

When you pay into a money purchase pension, you get tax relief at your marginal rate (the highest rate at which you pay income tax). If you pay at the higher rate (40 per cent), that translates into a big chunk of extra money going into your pension – an additional forty pence for every sixty pence you pay in. In other words, higher-rate tax relief comes quite close to doubling your contributions.

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