Lương tối thiểu năm 2018: Chốt mức tăng 6,5%

hội đồng tiền lương quốc gia họp kín, có xét đến những nghiên cứu như này không?

tiền lương tối thiểu không cải thiện tình trạng đói nghèo và làm giới trẻ mất việc

The idea the NMW (national minimum wage) can be safely raised stems from the belief that it has not had a negative effect on employment. The consensus view, however, is that minimum wages at moderate levels have a small negative impact on employment and that the level of the minimum wage matters. A recent HM Treasury submission to the LPC, for example, estimated that raising the NMW to £7 per hour would increase unemployment by 14,000 by 2018/19 (lương tối thiểu tăng, thất nghiệp tăng). There is also evidence of reduced working hours (giờ làm việc giảm) in response to NMW increases. International research suggests many of the negative effects operate after a long time period through reducing new job creation (giảm tạo công ăn việc làm mới).

Employment impacts of increases in the minimum wage are likely to disproportionately affect the young, the unskilled, the long-term unemployed and those in lower productivity regions (ảnh hưởng tiêu cực tới người trẻ, không có kỹ năng, những người thất nghiệp đã lâu và những người ở những vùng năng suất lao động thấp). There is evidence that minimum wages lead firms to replace lower-skilled and less experienced younger workers with older workers (doanh nghiệp thay thế những người trẻ thiếu kinh nghiệm bằng những lao động nhiều tuổi hơn).

The NMW is not a targeted poverty reduction tool. 46 per cent of those individuals in households (hộ gia đình) defined as in poverty are workless: a minimum wage can do nothing to help them. Whilst many of those individuals currently on low pay would benefit from a NMW increase, many of the beneficiaries of a minimum wage are not in poor households. 44 per cent of low-paid workers are in households in the top half of the household income distribution.

The ‘Living Wage’ (lương đủ sống) is a misnomer for the three-fifths of those earning less than the Living Wage who are working part-time. Statutory implementation of a minimum wage at the Living Wage level could have a significant impact on employment and the viability of firms in a range of sectors. It has been estimated to cost 150,000 jobs, with substitution for older workers meaning 300,000 fewer young people employed.

Tags: economics


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