Vitamin necessary for the life on the Earth

Vitamin F!!!

Like all other vitamins, vitamin F is also necessary for the healthy living.
This isn't a newly found vitamin, rather its existance can be traced back to Adam and Eve era too. By right, this vitamin should be called Vitamin F Complex (like the Vitamin B Complex)!!

Each components of Vitamin F complex, has a specific role in the well being of the individual. Another peculiarity of this vitamin is, it changes with age and biological changes of the body. e.g. Vitamin F which was well suited during the pre school, do not fit during the primary school age. Primary school age vitamin F may differ completely with the secondary school. Secondary school vitamin F may differ during the tertiary education and so on.

To enlist the entire benefits of vitamin F is beyond the scope of this post.

However, some are worth mentioning:
Vitamin F is essential for the well being, of our daily life.
Vitamin F solidifies the bondage of the people
Research also shows that people with sufficient amount vitamin F are least likely to suffer from depression and terminal strokes.

If you enjoy Vitamin F constantly, you can be up to 30 years younger than your real age. The warmth of vitamin F stops stress and even in the most intense moments. It decreases the chance of a cardiac arrest or stroke by 50%.

However, hyper sensitivity / adverse reactions, do occur (bad association) with vitamin F, resulting in heinous activities.

The chemical (generic) name of the vitamin F is FRIENDS.
Good example of Vitamin F is couple living happily and harmoniously for several decades.

Thank you for being one of my Vitamins!
Tags: english

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