Transform_Aug 26

And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more.
- Erica Jong

As the old joke states, no one on their death bed ever said, "I wish I've spent more time in the office."

Assignment: Today, just for a while, risk having the life you want.

Erica Jong (née Mann; born March 26, 1942) is an American author and teacher best known
for her fiction and poetry. A 1963 graduate of Barnard College, and with an M.A. in 18th century English Literature from Columbia University (1965), Jong is best known for her first novelFear of Flying (1973), which created a sensation with its frank treatment of a woman's sexual desires. Although it contains many sexual elements, the book is mainly the account of a young, hypersensitive woman, in her late twenties, trying to find who she is and where she is going. It contains many psychological, humorous, descriptive elements, and rich cultural and literary references. The book tries to answer the many conflicts arising in women in today's world, of womanhood, femininity, love, one's quest for freedom and purpose...
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